Sunday, November 22, 2015

Social Media Research

The image above is secondary market research providing information on what percentage of users consist of different age demographics. Our key demographic which our target audience falls into (18 - 24) is represented on the bar charts in orange.

Although many similar products (short films) engage in online promotion through the use of Facebook - due to its large number of regular users (900,000,000) - this may not be the most effective method of reaching our target audience, as the key demographic represents only 16% of these users.

In order to effectively appeal to our target audience and persuade them to view our product, it would be ideal to reach the demographic on a social media platform which they identify and are familiar with. The chart above suggests that Instagram and Tumblr are ideal formats as the key demographic represents a majority of the users. If our product is discovered by a potential viewer who is part of our target audience on either of these formats they are more likely to identify and relate to the film increasing the likelihood of them viewing our film.

For this reason, online promotion of our product should primarily take place on Instagram and Tumblr due to the large presence of our target demographic.
However, promoting the product on Facebook should also be taken into consideration as it both serves as an effective means of reaching potential viewers outside of the key demographic and although our target audience is a minority, 16% of 900 mil still represents some 140 mil users, more than the total amount of users on both Tumblr and Instagram.

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