Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mind Mapping Final Project Concept

Of our four initial ideas our group has made the decision to produce the concept of a documentary exploring the growing skateboarding scene in Doha. We brainstormed another mindmap displaying more detailed ideas involved with the production of this documentary to display visually, as shown below;

We have written out our basic plans for the production of this documentary. It will likely be filmed in the performative mode, in order to effectively convey Kamel's subjective experiences to the the audience and evoke an emotive response. This would involve interviewing Kamel speaking about how he has seen skateboarding develop and change in Doha, including shots of him speaking and also narrating over other shots of skateboarding. This will require a mixture of both continuity and non continuity editing in order to generate a narrative that serves the dual purpose of generating an emotive response from the audience and effectively conveying the films diegesis.

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